Sunday, January 22, 2012


One of my current goals is to re-read the literature I have on PL/SQL and SQL. I'm going back to the documentation and my PL/SQL books to give myself a bit of a refresher course. One of the things I came across today is something I believe is not very well known.

The built in RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR procedure has a little-known third parameter. 

   num            IN BINARY_INTEGER,
   msg            IN VARCHAR2,
   keeperrorstack IN BOOLEAN); 

The documentation states that for the keeperrorstack parameter "If you specify TRUE, PL/SQL puts error_code on top of the error stack. Otherwise, PL/SQL replaces the error stack with error_code."

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Procedure Dependencies in a Package

I was reviewing some PL/SQL development work recently and I noticed that a developer had declared some procedures in a package specification that should not have been public. When I asked why this was done the reply was that the procedures had dependencies on one another and the package body would not compile otherwise.

Here's a quick demonstration of the issue the developer was encountering.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

The Greatest Word In the English Language

The most amazing word in the English language is "Why". Why do I say that? Because it forces someone to back up their claims with evidence.

Do you see what I did there? ;)