Saturday, January 7, 2012

The Greatest Word In the English Language

The most amazing word in the English language is "Why". Why do I say that? Because it forces someone to back up their claims with evidence.

Do you see what I did there? ;)

Why does so many things for you. It confirms or refutes your suspicions. It guides you. It teaches you. It shows you why you should care. It leads you on paths of discovery. It drives you to become better. It helps you decide what is important to you. It can change your life. Seriously, it can. Ask yourself why you are doing what you're doing right now. If you don't have a satisfactory answer, maybe you should be doing something else.

In my day-to-day work life Why is an extremely important question. Working with Oracle databases, I often find myself faced with comments, suggestions, and statements that are directives on how to proceed with development. All too often these recommendations are given with no evidence to back them up. In these cases, I always respond in the same way.

"Why? Prove it."

I really don't care what level of expertise a person has. If I doubt a claim, I'm going to ask for evidence. If they are an expert and a professional, they'll be happy to provide proof of their claim . At worst, I'll have learned something new. At best, I'll have helped avoid walking down a path that could have led to a poor product.

If someone asks you Why? try to view it as an opportunity. If you prove what you say to be correct, you've given others the opportunity to learn from your work. If you prove yourself wrong, you've probably just learned something that you will most likely never forget.

As children we are ultra inquisitive. We all drove our parents crazy with our incessant Why?-ing. We didn't stop until we were satisfied with the answer. We should always keep that in mind.

Never lose your "Why Desire".

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